Electrophoresis system - Horizontal electrophoresis unit
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: ENGLAND Vilber Lourmat/France Year of manufacture: 1993-2015

Manufacturer/ Country of origin: HEIDOLPH/GERMANY Year of manufacture: 1999

EPPENDORF centrifuge
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: EPPENDORF/GERMANY Year of manufacture: 2000
DOC PRINT VX5 electrophoresis recording system
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: Vilber Lourmat / FRANCE Year of manufacture: 2015

Optical image capture system Elfo VISION CAPT - UV transilluminator TCP-20LM
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: Vilber Lourmat / FRANCE Year of manufacture: 2015

HOLTEN laminar air hood
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: HOLTEN / DENMARK Year of manufacture: 2001

Centrifuge CENTRIC 322A - for test tubes
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: TEHTNICA / SLOVENIA Year of manufacture: 2004

Applied Biosystem 7300 RT PCR System
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: USA/Life Technologies Year of manufacture: 2007

Manufacturer/ Country of origin: KOJAIR TECH OY/FINLAND Year of manufacture: 2008
Vertical autoclave 12 l
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: ITALY Year of manufacture: 2008

Luminex 200
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: Luminex/USA Year of manufacture: 2009
Centrifuge CENTRIC 322A - for plates
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: TEHTNICA/SLOVENIA Year of manufacture: 2008

UV lamp - Biocomp
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: ROMANIA Year of manufacture: 2009

Thermocycler SWIFT MAXI-ESCO
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: SINGAPORE Year of manufacture: 2008-2010

Thermocycler VERITI
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: USA/Applied Biosystems Year of manufacture: 2010

Genetic analyzer-AB3500
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: USA/Life Technologies Year of manufacture: 2010

Light Scanner 32
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: IDAHO TECHNOLOGIES/USA Year of manufacture: 2010

Light Scanner HR I 96
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: IDAHO TECHNOLOGIES/USA Year of manufacture: 2010
Spin centrifuge
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: LABNET/KOREA Year of manufacture: 2010

Manufacturer/ Country of origin: LABNET/USA Year of manufacture: 2010

Thermocycler MULTIGENE
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: LABNET/USA Year of manufacture: 2010

Plate centrifuge - ROTANTA460
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: HETTICH/GERMANY Year of manufacture: 2012

Thermoblock AccuBlock
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: LABNET/USA Year of manufacture: 2012

ARCHITECT i2000 automatic analyzer
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: Abbott Diagnostics Year of manufacture: 2012
Nanophotometer IMPLEN P300
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: IMPLEN/GERMANY Year of manufacture: 2013

Termocycler Applied Biosystem
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: APPLIED BIOSYSTEM/USA Year of manufacture:

Digital Thermomixer VORTEMP 56
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: LABNET/USA Year of manufacture: 2014

Thermocycler G-STORM
Manufacturer/ Country of origin: LABTECH/UK Year of manufacture: 2014

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a new generation sequencing that has the ability to fully sequence all exons and introns of HLA genes